英語口語聽力提升(Level 1)-Day_36 Holidays

2021-03-02 11:26:46阿坑是個坑05:04 8.2萬




1.Valentine's day 情人節

2.Saint Patrick's day 圣派特里克節

3.pretends 裝扮

4.religious 宗教的

5.Easter bunny 復活節兔子

6.Labour Day 勞動節

7.fortune 幸運的

8.poppies 罌粟花

9.sleigh 雪橇

10.pulled 拉

11.reindeer 馴鹿

12.stockings 長襪

13.chimneys 煙囪



In Canadawe have many different days that we celebrate.

On the first day of Januarythere is New Year's Day.

That is when we ring in the new year and say goodbye to the old year.

In Februarythere is Valentine's day.

That is the day when you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you love them.

You can buy them flowers or candyor take them out to dinner.

In Marchthere is Saint Patrick's day.

Everyone pretends that they are Irish on Saint Patrick's day.

They all wear green.

Easter comes in spring.

Easter is a religious holiday.

Some people celebrate by going to church.

Some people think that the Easter bunny comes and leaves chocolate eggs for them.

In Maythere is Victoria Day.

We celebrate this day in honor of England's queen Victoria.

There are fireworks on Victoria Day.

July the first is Canada day.

In Septemberthere is Labor Day.

This is the day that we honor the working man and woman.

In Octoberthere is Thanksgiving.

We give thanks for all the things that we are fortune enough to have.

We usually have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day.

On the last day of Octoberthere is Halloween.

The children dress up in costumesand go from door to door collecting candies

Remembrance Day is in November.

People wear red poppiesand they remember all the people that died for their country.

Christmas comes in December.

Christmas is also a religious holidaybut many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

They believe that Santa Claus fills up their stockings with toys and goodies.

He gets in and out of people's houses through their chimneys.

We don't get off work or school for all of these daysbut many of them are holidays from work and school.

the whole holidays

應該是三單吧 這好象是整數概念


單詞"level"的讀音是/?l?v?l/。 一、單詞發音 level的讀音為/?l?v?l/,其中的音標表示了每個音素的發音。第一個音素/l/是一個清晰的輔音音素,發音時舌頭輕觸上齒齦發出。 第二個音素/?/是一個短元音,發音時舌頭放平,嘴唇稍微張開,舌尖略向前。第三個音素/v/是一個唇齒摩擦音,發音時唇齒輕觸發出摩擦聲。最后一個音素/?l/是一個中央中元音,發音時舌頭放松,嘴唇稍微張開。 二、level的詞源與意義 level一詞源自于中古英語的levell,意為“水平的”或“水平線”。它進一步源自于古英語的l?fel,與古日耳曼語的lēwiz或lēza等詞有關。 在基本意義上,level表示一個物體或表面的平坦狀態或水平位置。它可以指代水平線、平面或平坦的表面。此外,level還可以用作名詞,表示一個標準或等級。 三、拼寫變體與相關表達 level這個詞的拼寫變體包括"leveled"和"levelling"(在美式英語中為"leveled"和"leveling")。這些變體在動詞部分加上了-ed或-ing后綴,用于表示過去時或進行時。 level可以用于構成多個相關表達,例如:ground level(地面水平線,指地面上的平坦部分)、eye level(視線水平線,指與眼睛的高度相同的水平線)、sea level(海平面,表示海洋表面的平坦高度)、level-headed(冷靜的,指思維清晰并沉著冷靜的態度)。 四、衍生詞匯與用法 level作為一個基礎單詞,衍生出許多相關詞匯和短語。以下是一些常見的衍生詞匯和用法:levelness(平坦度,表示表面的平整程度)、level off(趨于穩定,表示保持平衡或穩定狀態)、level up(提升水平,指通過學習或訓練提高某人的技能或能力)。


level 英['levl] 美[?l?v?l] n. 水平,水準;水平線,水平面;水平儀;[物]電平 adj. 水平的;同高度的;平均的;平穩的 vt. 使同等;對準;弄平 [例句]Nor is the forecast level. 預測水平亦是如此。

卡斯都提高了一個level 卡斯是什么意思

(超強)卡斯就是超強陳容的意思。 卡司:外來語,中式英語。 1、英語 cast 的中文譯音,演員陣容的意思。 2、英語“CLASS”的粵語擬音(類似于“的士”“芝士”等用法),意思是“級別、等級、格調”。




level和rating的區別:意思不同、讀音不同。 level  英 ['levl]     美 ['levl]     n. 數量;等級;水平;水平線。 adj. 平的;等高的。 v. 弄平;夷平;對準。 adv. 水平地。 rating  英 ['re?t??]     美 ['re?t??]     n. 等級;評定;收視率;額定值。 level用作名詞時,其基本意思是“水平線,水平面”,尤指“水平高度”,也可指建筑物、巖石等的“層”;用于比喻時,可指觀察事物的“層面”或“角度”,在科技用語中也可指測量的“數量”“強度”“數值”等。引申可表示官階、權威、教學、質量、價格等方面的“等級”或“水平”。其復數可表示“平原”。 level用作形容詞的基本意思是“平的,平坦的,水平的”,也可指“同高度的”或“同程度的”。引申用于目光、聲音等可表示“平穩的,堅定的”,指人的頭腦可譯為“清醒的,冷靜的”。

at ground level是什么意思

中文翻譯為: at ground level 在地面水平 例句: Capacity building is needed at ground level& as well as up in space. 能力建設在地面上以及在太空上都是需要的。 It is at ground level along Lam Fung Street and Sheung Yee Road. 位于沿臨豐街及常怡道的地面。

at ground level怎么翻譯?




at ground level是什么意思

中文翻譯為: at ground level 在地面水平 例句: Capacity building is needed at ground level& as well as up in space. 能力建設在地面上以及在太空上都是需要的。 It is at ground level along Lam Fung Street and Sheung Yee Road. 位于沿臨豐街及常怡道的地面。
